(724) 287-7731
A Welcoming Church for All !
107 Staley Ave. Butler PA 16001
Covenant Presbyterian Church

Worship Times & Office Hours
Worship on YouTube: CovenantTV1813
In-person Sanctuary worship Sundays at 11am
Email: covenantoffice@zoominternet.net
Hours by Appointment Only

Our worship style is traditional, not "contemporary."
Our order of worship is common to other Presbyterian congregations (not mega-church by any means, since we are "friendly family-size").
CLICK HERE to view a cumulative list of the HYMNS we've sung during worship.
Explore more of what we offer by clicking below...

A Word About Us
Who We Are

Even as the world seeks to judge or divide us according to our economic, racial and ethnic groups, ages, gender, abilities, orientation, politics and theological positions, we believe that in Christ there should be no such division.
Our congregation is strengthened through difference and diversity, and in the name of our Lord Jesus, we welcome all who come seeking refuge and healing from condemnation, prejudice and discrimination.
All are welcome here !
Covenant is Open and Affirming
We see our church not simply as a house of worship with walls, a roof and open doors. Rather, we believe that the church is called to embrace every one of God's children-- young, old, gay, straight, abled or challenged by physical, emotional or intellectual barriers.
We welcome persons from all walks of life, and we ordain to service in this church anyone who is called by God, regardless of gender, sexual orientation, education or family background.
Visit some of the following links to learn more about the organizations and agencies we endorse and support:

Get to Know Us
Grow in your knowledge of God and of Jesus Christ
Enjoy the fellowship of others who are also seeking spiritual strength and loving encouragement to meet the demands of stressful life
Open your mind to better understand and appreciate other persons, cultures, religions and lifestyles
Experience uplifting worship with traditional, classical music and insightful contemporary preaching
Find respite from weariness, release from guilt, and mentors to guide you on your spiritual journey
Feel the unconditional acceptance of a community of believers who welcome the stranger, the needy, the lonely and "the different"

Every Sunday... worship and fellowship. Stay and enjoy time with your church family.
Contact Us
107 Staley Ave. Butler, PA 16001, USA
(724) 287-7731